About Forecasting by Territory, Product, or Unit

You can forecast sales by territory and amount, by product and amount, or by product and quantity of units.

A forecast covers a specified time period, such as quarter or month. A territory owner submits the current forecast to the owner of the parent territory, who's likely the owner's manager.

The application generates the forecast by capturing information from opportunity lines as follows:

  • Opportunity items are placed in time periods according to the planned or actual close date.

  • Only opportunities that meet the forecast criteria are included in a forecast.

  • Opportunities assigned to a territory are added to the forecast for that territory.

  • Opportunity lines with the Renew revenue type category are added to Renewal forecasts. Subscriptions are an example.

Forecast Amounts by Territory

The territory owner forecasts the amount of sales for the territory by time period. The sum of the amounts for all included opportunity items is the forecast amount. Use the Edit Forecast page Territories tab and Forecast Items tab to forecast amounts by territory.

You can:

  • Manually add opportunity items to your forecasts or remove them.

  • Change the amounts for individual forecast items.

  • Make adjustments by changing the total forecast amount for individual time periods for a subordinate's territory forecast.

  • Make adjustments to the amounts for a subordinate's forecast items.

Forecast Amounts by Product

Within the territory, the territory owner forecasts the amount of sales for each product by time period. The forecast amount for each product is the sum of the amounts from opportunity items for that product. Use the Edit Forecast page Products tab and Forecast Items tab to forecast amounts by product.

You can:

  • Manually add opportunity items to your forecasts or remove them.

  • Change the amounts for individual forecast items.

  • Make adjustments to the individual product amounts by category (if renewal forecasting is enabled) and by time period.

  • Make adjustments to the amounts for a subordinate's forecast items.

  • Make adjustments to the product amounts for a subordinate's territory forecast.

Forecast Unit Quantities by Product

Within the territory, the territory owner forecasts the quantities of each product by time period. The forecast quantity for each product is the sum of the quantities from opportunity items for that product. Use the Edit Forecast page Products tab and Forecast Items tab to forecast unit quantities by product. In the Products tab, select to show Quantity or All Totals.

You can then, for your territory:

  • Manually add opportunity items to your forecasts or remove them.

  • Change the quantities for individual forecast items.

  • Make adjustments to the individual product quantities by time period.

  • Make adjustments to the quantities for a subordinate's forecast items.