Manage Your Forecast

Sales managers review and adjust the forecasts of their sales teams. You can add or remove items from your or a subordinate's forecast.

When you make adjustments, you can adjust quantities and amounts directly for an opportunity item. You can also make adjustments for a territory and add amounts that don't come from existing opportunities.

Review Your Forecast

To review your forecast:

  1. During an open forecast time period, navigate to Sales > Forecasts.

  2. Review the graph to compare your group's forecast with won revenue and the pipeline.

  3. The second chart shows your group's percentage of quota attained. Roll over the target quota amount to review quota and won revenue amounts.

  4. Click the breadcrumbs to switch to your next forecast for review and back to your current forecast.

  5. Click Review to see the details of your forecast.

  6. Click Edit to make your changes.

    Any subordinate forecasts that weren't submitted by their owners will now be submitted for them

Edit the Forecast

The Territories tab shows your team's forecasts, won revenues, open pipelines, and quotas. To edit your forecast:

  1. Roll over the icons in the first column to see which territory owners submitted their forecasts.

  2. Hover over the Forecast Change arrow to see what's changed since you last submitted your forecast.

  3. Click the Products tab.

  4. Click Show and choose All Totals.

  5. You can view and change the totals for current, best case, and worst case forecasts as well as the quantity for each product.

Adjust Opportunity Items in the Forecast

You can adjust the forecast for accuracy in two ways. Edit the totals by product or adjust the opportunities that sum to the totals. To adjust your forecast:

  1. Click the Forecast Items tab.

    The tab lists the opportunity items currently in your forecast. The items meet the forecast criteria.

  2. In the Show list, select one subordinate's territory.

  3. Select the opportunity item you want to change, and enter new values for quantity or forecast, or both.

  4. Click the icon to remove an opportunity item.

  5. Click Add Forecast Items to find and add a missing opportunity item.

  6. Click Save.

    The opportunity items you edited show the new values, and the forecast totals are recalculated.

  7. Hover over a blue dot next to one of your changed opportunity items.

    You see the adjustment you made, as well as the un-adjusted forecast submitted to you by the salesperson. The salesperson can't see any of the changes you made.

Adjust and Submit the Forecast

You can adjust the forecast by product and submit the forecast to your manager. To complete your forecast:

  1. Click the Products tab.

    You can see the changes you made to the opportunities reflected in the respective product totals.

  2. Deselect Exclude All Rows with All Zero Values.

    You can now see and adjust all products.

  3. Make your changes to quantities and forecast amounts to any products, including those with zero values.

  4. Save your forecast.

  5. Submit your forecast to your manager.

    You can make no further changes after submitting your forecast.