Add Business Plan Objectives

Objectives are the key aspect of a business plan. Salespeople use business plans to achieve objectives to meet the target goals.

To create objectives for a business plan:

  1. Click Create Objective on the Edit Business Plan page.

    The Create Objective page appears.

  2. Enter a name for the business plan.

  3. Select a type from the Type drop-down list.

    Note: You can add a type to the list of options. The type of a business plan determines the unit of measure and the field is automatically populated on selection of a type.
  4. Define the period in which you want to achieve your goals for the business plan.

  5. Enter your target to achieve your objective in the defined period.

  6. Click Save and Close.

    The objective is displayed on the Edit Business Plan page.

  7. If you click Save and Continue, then the Edit Objective page appears.

    You can view the newly created objective and you can add notes, activities, and attachments to the objective.

Split Objectives

You can split an objective to specify how to achieve the objective between partner and account. To split an objective:

  1. Click Split Objective on the Edit Objective page.

    The Split Objective page appears.

  2. Specify how you want to split your objective.

  3. Click Save and Close.

    The split objective appears on the Edit Objective page.

  4. Enter your plan to achieve your set target, in the specified period.

  5. Select Attainment in the Show field.

    The Attainment column appears.

  6. Enter the details for the targets you achieved.

  7. Click Save and Close.