Associate LinkedIn Records with Accounts, Contacts and Leads

You can use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to build and nurture sales relationships that increase sales performance. Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to associate LinkedIn records with accounts, contacts, and leads.

The association helps to connect with the relevant people for contacts and leads or companies for accounts. To receive information about a new contact or lead, search in LinkedIn with a few basic details such as name or job title. With LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you get a detailed overview of your contact or lead. Your administrator has to enable the LinkedIn Sales Navigator for you on the contact and lead pages. The steps given here use contacts as an example. Use similar steps to associate a lead or an account with a LinkedIn record.

Here's how to associate a contact with a LinkedIn record.

  1. On your Sales application home page, click Sales > Contacts.

  2. Click Create Contact.

  3. Enter the first name, last name, and job title.

  4. Click Save and Close.

  5. Click to open the newly created contact and expand the LinkedIn region of the Contact detail page.

  6. Click LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

    Note: LinkedIn suggests potential matching profiles for Contacts and Leads and suggests matching companies for Accounts.
  7. Select the relevant person that you want to associate with.

  8. Click Match.

    You receive a notification saying that the contact is matched to the contact.

  9. Click Save in Sales Navigator to save the association.