Use the LinkedIn Sales Navigator

View the LinkedIn profile details of an account, contact or lead.

You can access the information in the LinkedIn Sales Navigator region from these pages:

  • Edit Account: Profile page for an account

  • Edit Contact: Profile page for a contact

  • Edit Lead: Summary page for a lead

Use your LinkedIn credentials to sign in to LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

Here are the tasks you can do with the LinkedIn Sales Navigator:



View Profile

View the complete LinkedIn profile details of an account, contact, or lead.


Request to connect on LinkedIn by sending an invite.

Send Message or Send InMail

Send messages to first-level connections. Alternatively, use an InMail to connect with contacts or leads at other levels.


Explore common interests and conversation starters with the selected account, contact, or lead.

Get Introduced

Request an introduction through a mutual connection.

Match Profile

Associate an accurate profile when LinkedIn suggests multiple profiles that match with an account, contact or lead. Once associated, you can see the matched LinkedIn profile in your account, contact, or lead records.

Not this person

Use this option if LinkedIn displays profiles that don't belong to the selected account, contact, or lead.

Before you can use LinkedIn Sales Navigator, your administrator must enable it and you must have Team or Enterprise licenses.