Available Forecast Metrics

Metrics provide calculated measures based on historical or current transactional data. You can refer to metrics when making forecasting decisions.

This table shows the available metrics and how they're calculated:



Best Case Forecast

The sum of all best case revenue values for all forecast items in the forecast period.

Closed Revenue

Actual revenue that was closed during the forecast period.

Estimated Adjustment

The sum of the difference between estimated revenue and revenue for all transactions in the forecast period. Statistical analysis provides the estimated revenue amounts based on historical sales for the product.

Expected Forecast

The sum of all weighted revenue values for all forecast items in the forecast period. Weighted revenue is the revenue amount multiplied by the probability of the deal closing.

Likelihood to Buy Product

The percentage of confidence that a deal will close with the specified revenue on the specified close date. Statistical analysis provides the likelihood to buy product based on historical sales for the product.


The total revenue amount of all product lines where the Status category is Open, the primary territory is the target territory, and the close date lies in the forecast period.


The quota metric is the revenue target associated with the expected performance of a salesperson's territory for a given forecast period.

Worst Case Forecast

The sum of all worst case revenue values for all forecast items in the forecast period.