Forecast Actions and Results

The actions you take with your forecast produce different results depending on the timing and the actions of others. Most forecast actions take place during the submission window. After the end of the submission window, everyone's current forecast is frozen regardless of submission status.



Make changes to opportunities

Add or remove forecast items

The forecast is updated to reflect changes.

Submit your forecast

The forecast is frozen. You can't make changes.

Withdraw your forecast after submission, but before your manager submits or adjusts his forecast

You can again make changes to the forecast and resubmit. Forecast numbers update from the pipeline.

If you have subordinates, then you can also do these actions.



Adjust numbers for forecast items

Adjust totals, including copy previous forecast totals to the current forecast

If previously unsubmitted, all subordinates' forecasts are submitted and frozen when you edit your forecast. The subordinate's forecast is frozen and can't be changed by the subordinate. All direct and indirect subordinates can't make changes unless you remove your adjustments and reject each subordinate's forecast.

Forecast numbers no longer update from the pipeline. The adjustment becomes the current forecast and ignores the rollup values from current forecast items.

Edit a subordinate's unsubmitted or rejected forecast

You can act as your subordinate, so all edits and adjustments can be seen by your subordinate. You can adjust the forecast only if your subordinate can adjust his own forecast.

Submit a subordinate's unsubmitted forecast

Your subordinate's forecast is frozen and can't be changed by her. All direct and indirect subordinates can't make changes to the forecast unless you remove your adjustments and reject each subordinate's forecast.

Forecast numbers no longer update from the pipeline.

Remove your adjustments

Adjustments are removed. Opportunity changes are ignored for as long as your subordinate's forecast remains submitted.

Reject a subordinate's forecast

The application will clear all your adjustments of your subordinate's forecast.

Your subordinate can again make changes to the forecast and resubmit. If the subordinate is a sales representative, then the forecast numbers update again from the pipeline.