Can I navigate to work areas powered by Adaptive Search from my Sales springboard?

Yes, depending on your privileges, you can navigate directly to new work areas powered by Adaptive Search. The new work areas provide enhanced search and other features of Workspace for accounts, contacts, activities, leads, opportunities, and other objects.

Using the grid of icons on the springboard, click the sales feature icon to open a work area powered by Adaptive Search for the specific sales object selected.

Your sales administrator must have set the opt-in Open Work Areas Powered by Adaptive Search feature to Yes. In addition, the object you select from the springboard must be indexed and the Display Object in Workspace check box must be selected from the Configure UI tab in the Configure Adaptive Search page.

Note: Use the Workspace icon to access service requests because the Service Request object is currently not supported by this direct access feature. Also, the dynamic tabs feature isn't available for those objects that you select directly from the springboard or navigator.