Collaborate on Business Plans Using Microsoft Teams

Create a Microsoft Team with your business plan team members and collaborate with them for pursuing business plans.

Who can Create a Team

You must be the business plan owner and a Microsoft Teams user to create a team in Microsoft Teams. You will be owning the team created in Microsoft Teams.
Note: You can create only one team per business plan.

Who can be the Team Members

You can add any individual who is part of the Business plan resource team and is a Microsoft Teams user. To map a CX Sales user to the user account in Microsoft Teams, the user's primary email address in their resource profile in the sales application must match the user's email address in Microsoft Teams.

Management resources can’t be added to the team.

Note: In Microsoft Teams, the teams can be public or private. Teams created from a business plan in CX Sales are always private teams, which implies that only the team members can access the team.

Create the Team in Microsoft Teams

  1. From the navigator, go to Business Plans > Business Plans.
  2. Open a business plan you own. Ensure that your business plan has team members.
  3. On the Edit Business Plan page, click Actions and select Create Team in Microsoft Teams. Here's a screenshot that shows the Create Team in Microsoft Teams option from the Business Plan Actions menu.
    The screenshot shows the Create Team in Microsoft Teams button in the Actions menu.

    After a team is created in Microsoft Teams, the Create Team in Microsoft Teams action automatically changes to Go to Microsoft Teams action.

  4. From Actions, click Go to Microsoft Teams.
    You’re navigated to the newly created teams page in Microsoft Teams. Here's a screenshot that shows a sample team created in Microsoft Teams for the business plan.
    The screenshot shows the business plan team created in Microsoft Teams.