Features of Sales Assistant

The sales assistant skill helps you to view and update sales records through text or voice commands. You can either type or use the speech-to-text feature on your mobile device to communicate with the sales assistant.

Features of Sales Assistant for Supported Channels

Here are the main Sales Assistant features for all supported channels:



Sample Phrases to Use


The sales assistant recalls the context of records within a conversation between you and the sales assistant. For example, you're viewing the details of an appointment and you then navigate to view the associated opportunity's details. The sales assistant remembers the appointment that you viewed previously, so that if you request more details about the appointment, the sales assistant recalls the details.

Maybe you want to view the account associated with the appointment? Once again, the sales assistant knows the account you want without having to prompt you based on the context of records within the previous conversation.

Tip: You must specify the object in context that you're asking about in the phrase.
  • Show account for this appointment

  • Get the tasks for this account

  • What are the appointments for this opportunity?

  • Show detail for this contact

Suggest Most Recently Accessed Records

If you ask Oracle Sales Assistant for a record without providing context, the assistant suggests some records, if available, from the ones most recently accessed by you. This lets you to easily view and act on the record you are searching for.

  • Get account

  • Get leads

Search for a Record

There are a couple of ways you can search for a record (of any object that's enabled for your specific channel) with the sales assistant:

  • By Workspace's keyword search - Based on the phrase you send to search for a record, the sales assistant will extract the keyword and do a search against the object using workspace's keyword search. For example, "View Oracle account".

    The assistant will first try to search against the records that are most relevant to you. However, if you can't find the record you want within this set, then you can expand and see matches from within your full set of accessible records for the specific object type.
    Note: Formula fields aren't searchable because they can't be configured in Adaptive Search and can't be indexed.
  • By one or more fields that are enabled by Adaptive Search - (in addition, the fields must be enabled in the Oracle Sales Assistant skill.) For more than one field, use the "and" operator between the fields. For example, "show me the opportunities with win probability greater than 90 and closing next month".

The following search operators are supported:

  • And

  • Greater than

  • Greater than

  • Greater than and equal to

  • Equal to / in

  • Less than

  • Less than and equal to

  • Between

Tip: If you don't send a value to search on, such as "get opportunity", the assistant will prompt you for which record you're looking for. If you were already conversing with the assistant regarding a specific record of that type, then the assistant will respond with the details of the specific record.
Tip: Always include the object name (or its synonym) in the utterance you send to the assistant.
  • Get account <search value>

  • Get details for account <search value>

  • Get opportunities in the qualification stage

Saved Search Lists from Workspace

Ask for saved search lists from Workspace.

Tip: To display a specific list, specify its name as close as possible to the name of the saved search.
My Lists are lists with "Show Lists" filter set to true. They allow you to view the most relevant results based on object activity and context.
Tip: If there is more than 1 list with "Show List" filter set to true, the assistant will return all lists for you to choose from.

In addition, you can also view a list of similar saved searches that match your search criteria. Click Show all saved searches to display all of your saved searches for the object you are looking for.

  • Show all accounts

  • Get my open opportunities

  • View my lists of contacts

  • Show all saved searches

Child or Related Records

You can view child or related records (of any object that's enabled for your specific channel), such as notes. For example, you want to view the notes on an account and the assistant will find the account and show you the notes associated to the account, if there are any.

Tip: You must specify the parent object that you're asking about in the phrase.
  • Show me the notes for the oracle account <search value>

Request Specific Field Values for Records

You can directly ask for values of fields on a record and quickly get the information. When you ask questions or send commands, the sales assistant can provide a specific standard or custom field value for a record.

  • What is the win probability for this opportunity?

  • Get the industry for the Vision account.

Use Sales Briefing

Obtain a snapshot of your day.

Tip: By default, open pipeline is the list of open opportunities that are in the current and next fiscal quarter closed period. However, the pipeline period can be modified by your administrator.
  • Hey, how's my day today?

  • How's my day today?

  • Sales briefing


The sales assistant supports additional features for appointments:

  • Next appointment: You can check for details of your next appointment in your calendar, if any. For example, you can request for a briefing of your next appointment to prepare for it before going to the appointment.

  • Current appointment: You can check for details of your appointment that's currently in progress, if any. For example, during an appointment, you can request a briefing to receive a quick re-cap of the objectives of your current appointment.

  • Follow up: You can follow up on an appointment that ended by creating a follow-up call report, creating a follow-up task, or scheduling a follow-up appointment. Send a keyword to search for an appointment, such as "follow up on the demo presentation" or simply send "follow up". If you don't specify which appointment you want to followup on, the assistant will show you the most recent appointments (appointments which occurred and ended in the past 30 days), and you can select one to continue. If the appointment you want isn't showing in the list of recent appointments, simply send keyword(s) to search for the appointment you're interested in.

Tip: When scheduling a follow up appointment, the sales assistant creates the appointment on the date and time based on your time zone configured in CX Sales.

Things to consider:

  • You can directly create a follow-up call report outcome, schedule the next appointment, or add a follow-up task for an appointment by using phrases such as "create follow-up call report," "schedule next appointment," or "create follow-up task".

  • In-progress appointments aren't returned as a recent appointment to follow-up on.

  • Some fields, such as the Subject field, defaults from the original appointment you're following up on for:

    • Follow-up call report

    • Follow-up task

    • Follow-up appointment

  • Next meeting

  • Current appointment

  • Show me a briefing of my next appointment

  • Follow up

  • Create follow-up call report

  • Schedule follow-up appointment

  • Add a follow up task


The sales assistant supports additional features for tasks:

  • Get tasks due on a certain day: You can ask for tasks that are due on a certain day or month.

  • Overdue tasks: You can get your tasks that are overdue.

  • Create tasks: You can create a standalone task conversationally or as a follow-up of an appointment.

    For more information, see Create Records in the Microsoft Teams Specific Features and CX Sales Mobile Specific Features topics.

  • Get tasks due today

  • View tasks due December 2021

  • Show tasks due this week

  • Show tasks due on March 19

  • Get my overdue tasks

  • Overview Tasks

  • Create Task


For any object that has notes as a child object, you can ask the assistant to add a note. The assistant prompts you for the note details to add to the record you want.

  • Add a note to this opportunity

  • Add note to <keyword> search account


The sales assistant understands the synonyms for objects and fields that are defined by your administrators. Synonyms allow the sales assistant to understand your company's jargon. For example, instead of sending "show the opportunity", you can send "show the opty" to the assistant. It will still understand you're asking to see an opportunity.

  • Opportunity - oppty, opty, deal

  • Account - acct, company

  • Contact - person

  • Task - to-do, todo

  • Appointment - meeting, appt

Sample synonyms for fields:

  • EffectiveDate (for Opportunity) - closing, close date

  • State (for Account) - province

Filtering a List of Records

When you ask the sales assistant a question, for example, to find opportunities in the open pipeline, it responds with a list of records. From the list, you can select a record to drill in to, view, and act on the record. To quickly get to the record of interest, you can perform searches to filter any list by sending a keyword or by specifying a field and value to filter on.

Tip: Filtering the list is always based on the original list - not the filtered list. You can send a keyword based on the fields showing on the list card or based on what's enabled for your company's keyword search for the object.
Tip: You can filter any saved search list either by a keyword or by specifying a field and value to filter on. However, when asking for a record and if the assistant shows a list of matches, you can only filter this type of list by keyword.

Not applicable

Cancel a conversation with multiple steps

You can cancel a conversation at any stage during a multistep conversation flow. For example, if you want to create a task, sales assistant prompts you with several questions. At any point during this process, you can enter a command or phrase such as "restart" to exit the flow. This saves you time and means you don't have to follow through with a conversation you no longer want to pursue.

  • Restart

  • Reset

Provide Tips During a Conversation

Sometimes Oracle Sales Assistant provides tips about recommended next steps at the end of a conversation.

This feature improves the user experience of the Oracle Sales Assistant as it helps you learn how to use the Sales Assistant by providing examples of what you can say at certain parts of the conversations. Each tip is shown once a day and is displayed up to 5 times to a user. You can click "Got it" to stop the tip from showing again.

Not applicable

Provide Help During a Conversation

Users can also request help when viewing a list or summary card. The assistant responds with a help message matching the context of the list or summary card.

  • Help