Microsoft Teams Specific Features

You request information by entering questions or sending commands and sales assistant retrieves the information or acts on your requests. You can greet the assistant or ask for help.

Here are some sample phrases you can use:

  • Hi

  • Hello

  • Hey

  • Get started

  • Start

  • What can you do for me?

  • What can you do?

  • What can I do?

Things to note:

  • In Microsoft Teams, the sales assistant may be part of a digital assistant with other Oracle supported skill from Oracle Cloud applications, so that you can interact with one assistant for its various services.

  • Oracle Digital Assistant handles the initial greeting as well as any requests for help. If there are multiple skills (including the sales assistant) added to your digital assistant, the digital assistant returns suggestions for what you can do with each of the skills.


Here are the Sales Assistant features specific to Microsoft Teams users.




There may be special actions which administrators can enable to allow you to act on a specific record. These actions are displayed as a button on the summary card. For example, if enabled on the opportunity, account and contact summary cards, the "Add a note" button lets you add a note to the record.

Create Records

Records with values such as Notes, Call Reports, Tasks, and Appointments can be created conversationally. The assistant prompts for information to create the record. When all the questions defined are asked, a confirmation message prompts you to confirm the creation of the record with the input provided.

For fields that aren't mandatory, you can choose to skip the field and not provide an input value. For fields that are mandatory with a default, you can choose to accept the default value or provide an input.

List of Records

For lists that have more than 5 records, you can use the Next and Previous buttons for easy navigation.

See "Filtering a List of Records" in the main Sales Assistant features table to quickly find a record without navigating through the list.

To see more details for a record, you can click anywhere on the row of the record in the list. To select the record for further conversations, you can either click the index number button or send the index number, such as "3".

Deep Links

Deep links are links that let Microsoft Teams users drill directly down into a record, such as an opportunity record and are available only for certain intents.

For Microsoft Teams Mobile app users, the deep link also goes to the CX Sales mobile app. However, if you switch from using the mobile app to the web or desktop app, then the deep links initially sent with the mobile app record card are maintained for that specific record. Any other cards you receive with deep links when conversing on the desktop client are sent to the CX Sales web app.


For any object (of any object that's enabled for your specific channel) that has attachment as a child object, you can ask the assistant to attach a file to the records.

Things to consider:

  • The Sales Assistant in Microsoft Teams configuration must support uploading and downloading files.

  • Files shared with Sales Assistant through Microsoft Teams are uploaded to Microsoft Teams and saved to the record in CX Sales as either a file or as a URL attachment.

  • You can only upload one file at a time to CX Sales and 20 MB is the maximum file size.

  • For Microsoft Teams on iOS or Android, you can choose from your files on your device to attach to a record via the sales assistant. The sales assistant currently doesn't support attaching photos from gallery to your CX Sales records.

Note: Depending on your device, you can save the photos in gallery to your files on your device.

Sample phrase you can use:

  • Attach a file

  • Add file

  • Upload a document

  • Attach a doc to this account


For any object that has notes as a child object, you can ask the assistant to add a note. The assistant prompts you for the note details to add to the record you want.

Sample phrase you can use:

  • Add a note to this opportunity
  • Add note to <keyword> search account