CX Sales Mobile Specific Features

You can use the Sales Assistant by tapping the chat icon on the bottom right hand side of the CX Sales Mobile app.

In the chat screen, you can type and send your request to the Sales Assistant using the chat box at the bottom of the page, or tap the microphone icon to say your request.


Here are the Sales Assistant features specific to CX Sales Mobile users.



Using Voice

In the chat screen, you can either type or ask the assistant something. To type, tap on the white chat box at the bottom of the screen. To use voice to speak to the assistant, tap on the green microphone icon.

List of Records

For lists that have more than 3 records, you can use the 'View All' button. Tap the button to see the full list of records.

See "Filtering a List of Records" in the main Sales Assistant features table to quickly find a record without navigating through the list.

To see more details for a record, you can tap the white section of the item. To select the record for further conversations, you can tap the purple portion of the item.


For objects that are enabled for your specific channel and have an attachment as a child object, you can ask the assistant to attach the file to the object's records. It will launch the attachment form for you to share notes, photos, videos, documents, or files from your mobile device to CX Sales records.

Sample phrases that you can use:

  • Attach a file

  • Add file

  • Upload a document

  • Attach a doc to this account


For any object that has notes as a child object, you can ask the assistant to add a note. The assistant prompts you for the note details to add to the record you want.

Sample phrase you can use:

  • Add a note to this opportunity
  • Add note to <keyword> search account

Create records

Notes, Call Reports, Tasks, and Appointments can be created conversationally. The assistant prompts for information to create the record. When all the defined questions are asked, a confirmation message prompts you to confirm the creation of the record with the input information provided.

At any time when the assistant is asking for information, there is an option to switch to a form to complete the creation by tapping Switch to Form. Any questions answered in the conversation prior to switching to the form are populated in the form. Tapping Save brings you back to the conversation.

For fields that aren't mandatory, you can choose to skip the field and not provide an input value. For fields that are mandatory with a default, you can choose to accept the default value, or provide an input.

For objects that aren't supported for conversational create, asking the assistant to create the record will launch the record creation page.

Update records

Asking the assistant to update the record will launch the update page for the record.

Sample phrases that you can use:

  • Update opportunity

  • Update the Supremo account

Welcome message

Your administrator can create a new or modify an existing welcome message with some suggestions of what sales representatives can do and say to the sales assistant which are relevant to your business.