How to Display the Most Relevant Records for My Mobile App

Saved searches are predefined for Workspace users. Now, in addition, administrators can set the default saved search per object for mobile app users for either specific roles or for the whole site. Mobile users can override these and set their own default searches, too.

This feature helps to display the most relevant records in their mobile app with a single tap on the menu. Sales administrators can create saved searches for the whole sales organization and for specific sales roles for mobile app users. A default saved search is the saved search that's automatically displayed when you first accesses Workspace from your mobile app. Oracle delivers predefined default saved searches for some user roles and the search results returned depends on what role is assigned. For example, ready-to-use partner roles include Partner Sales Representative, Partner Sales Manager, and Partner Administrator.

From the My List tab, you can manage your own personal saved searches exclusively, separate from the saved searches that are shared with the broader organization.

Note: Mobile app users can select the save searches they want from the Default for Mobile column.