How Users Gain Access to Leads

This topic explains how the security reference implementation provided by Oracle determines who can access what lead information in your sales organization.

Qualified leads are assigned to a sales team based on sales territories. Unqualified leads are assigned to individual lead qualifiers either manually or based on rules defined in the assignment manager application. Whether or not you can access a particular lead depends on your membership in the resource and territory hierarchies.

You can access a lead if the following conditions apply:

  • You're the lead owner.

  • The lead owner or sales team member is your direct or indirect report in the resource hierarchy.

  • You're a member of the lead sales team.

    Resources in the management hierarchy of a newly added lead sales team member have the same level of access to the sales leads as the team member.

  • You're the owner or you're a member of the territory assigned to the lead.

  • You're the owner or member of an ancestor territory of the territory assigned to the lead.

Note: Your administrator can provide view only access to users by creating a custom role and adding new data security for the sales lead with all values set to view only privileges. See the Data Sharing Mechanisms and Object Visibility chapter of the Securing Sales and Fusion Service guide on Oracle Help Center (

The flowchart illustrates some of the different ways you can gain access to a lead:

  • Named agents in the diagram (A, B, and C) can access the lead.

  • Unnamed agents (highlighted in yellow) can't access the lead.

  • Sales managers can access the lead because a salesperson in their management chain has access.

Here's an example flowchart that shows who in a sales hierarchy can access a sales lead. Access using accounts isn't shown.
How data security policies determine access to leads.
  • Agent A can access the lead because agent A created it. When you create a lead, you're the initial owner.

  • Agent B can access the lead because agent B is on the sales team.

  • Agent C can access the lead because agent C is the owner of the NW territory.

  • Sales managers who are higher up in the management chain can also see the lead because access is provided through the resource hierarchy. The manager of agent C can access the lead information, but colleagues of agent C don't have access to the lead.

Special Access

Not all access is affected by the management hierarchy and membership in sales teams or territories. For example, special access includes:

  • Administrators: Administrators get access to leads and other objects. This access is based on their privileges, regardless of where the administrators are in the management hierarchy. Administrators don't have to be on the sales team or members of territories.

  • Deal Registration: Salespeople assigned to a deal registration retain access even if they're moved to another deal registration.