Apply Mass Update of Fields to Leads

You can apply changes to several fields on multiple leads at once using the mass update feature. For example, you can update the rank of multiple leads at the same time without having to go into each individual record.

Among the fields that you can update are:

  • Account

  • Budget Amount

  • Budget Status

  • Campaign

  • Currency

  • Customer Need

  • Deal Size

  • Decision Maker Identified

  • Description

  • Primary Contact

  • Primary Product

  • Rank

  • Sales Channel

  • Source

  • Time Frame

Note: Your administrator must enable this feature before it's available in the application.

Steps to Apply Mass Update

Here's how to update several fields on multiple leads at once:

  1. Navigate to the Leads landing page.

  2. Search for the records you want to update.

  3. Click Update from the Actions menu.

  4. Select the records that you want to update and click the Update button.

  5. Select the fields and assign or enter values for them. Keep in mind:

    • If you want to update a field that has a parent field, then the value of the parent field must be the same across all child records selected for mass update.

    • You can't apply mass update to conditionally updatable fields.

  6. When you're done making updates click Submit.