Manage Your Calendars

Use the My Calendar page within Activities to manage calendar views.

View Calendars

You can view calendars by day, week, month, or agenda. You can view the status of other deals by selecting a different calendar listed in the side panel. The steps to view a calendar using the side panel are the same for opportunity and account. In the following procedure, account is used as an example.

Weekly View

The default calendar view is the Weekly View. From here, you can see all of the items on your calendar for the week. On the left, each user added to the team calendar is displayed (by default only the signed-in user is displayed, as in single calendar mode). Each day shows:

  • Start time of appointment, with recurrence icon (if applicable)

  • Whether the appointment is multi-day (indicated by an arrow)

  • Appointment subject

You can view and edit the recurrence information in the Add: Recurrence dialog box that appears when you click the Recurrence button. Nonrecurring appointments display the edit page for the appointment.

Note: The appointment time isn't reset when the All Day check box is cleared.

You can only edit your own appointments. Even if your peers have given you permission to view theirs, you can't edit them. Appointments marked by others as Private display as Busy on their calendar entry, and don't include details.

Day View

On the Day View, you can see all of the items on your calendar for the current day. On the left, each user added to the team calendar is displayed (the default only shows the signed-in user).

Along the top are the hours of each day, where the calendar entries are displayed. Each day shows:

  • Start time of appointment, with recurrence icon (if applicable)

  • Whether the appointment is multi-day (indicated by an arrow)

  • Appointment subject

You can view and edit the recurrence information in the Recurring Appointments dialog box. Nonrecurring appointments display the edit page for the appointment.

You can only edit your own appointments. Even if your peers have given you permission to view theirs, you can't edit them. Others who can edit other users' appointments include:

  • The administrator.

  • The user's manager, if the person is in their resource hierarchy and the manager has the Sales Manager duty role.

Appointments marked by others as Private display as busy on their calendar entry, and don't include details.

Appointment Colors

The legend at the bottom of the calendar displays the colors associated with different appointment types. If an appointment is of one of these types, the appointment box in the calendar is displayed in that color. You can change these colors using Setup Manager.

Appointments that show a user as busy don't display any details because you don't have access to their record.

Add Appointments

To add new appointments to the calendar click Create Appointment. Selecting the check boxes next to the user names in your team calendar automatically adds those users as resources to the new appointment.

Add Resource Hierarchy

Build a resource hierarchy in your calendar to view the schedule of resources you work with. Click the Manage My Calendar icon and use the search option below Resource Hierarchy to search and add a colleague. If you're adding a manager, you see the team as well. Expand the manager's name to see the members in the hierarchy.