Opportunity and Product Line Attributes Synchronization

Opportunities and their product lines share common attributes, for example, status or win probability percentage. For several attributes, under certain conditions, the application automatically synchronizes them so that they're the same.

In addition, the application updates certain opportunity and product line attributes based on the values of other attributes. The attributes that the application synchronizes or updates automatically are:

  • Win probability

  • Close date

  • Include in forecast setting

  • Status

  • Win/loss reason

  • Competitor

Note: An attribute is said to be synchronized if its opportunity and product line values are the same, and if the product line is in the same status category as its opportunity. If a product line and its opportunity both have undefined values, they're considered to have the same value.

Synchronization of Opportunity and Product Line Attribute

The application synchronizes certain product line attributes based on the opportunity-level attribute, under certain conditions.

Synchronization occurs for these attributes:

  • Win probability

  • Close date

  • Include in forecast setting

  • Status (not status category)

Here is an example of close date synchronization:

  • An opportunity with an Open status category has a close date of July 14, 2018.

  • Product lines 1, 2, and 3 have the same close date and they're in the same status category.

  • Product line 4 has a different close date, but the same status category.

  • The close date of the opportunity is changed to August 14, 2018. The application automatically sets the close dates of product lines 1, 2, and 3 to the same close date as that of the opportunity. The close date of product line 4 remains unchanged, because it has close date that wasn't already synchronized with the date of the opportunity.

Opportunity Status Updates

These scenarios explain what happens when the opportunity status is updated. Note that status values display in alphabetic order on the UI.

  • Opportunity status is updated to a Won status:

    • The application updates the opportunity win probability to 100 percent. It also updates all synchronized product lines' win probability to 100 percent.

  • Opportunity status is updated to a Lost or No Sale status:

    • The application updates the opportunity close date to the current date. It doesn't update the close date on synchronized product lines.

  • Opportunity status is updated from an Open status to a Closed status:

    • The application enables the opportunity win/loss reason attribute.

    • If an opportunity primary competitor has been defined, the application updates the product line competitor to the opportunity primary competitor for all opportunity product lines, if they aren't already defined. This action applies only to the close opportunity and mass update opportunities flows.

  • Opportunity status is updated from a Closed status to an Open status:

    • The application disables the opportunity win/loss reason attribute.

    • The application sets the opportunity win/loss reason attribute to "undefined". It doesn't update the win/loss reason on synchronized product lines.

Product Line Status Updates

These scenarios explain what happens when the product line status is updated:

  • Product line status is updated to a Won status: The application sets the product line win probability to 100 percent.

  • Product line status is updated to a Lost or No Sale status: The application sets the product line close date to the current date.

  • Product line status is updated to a Closed status: The application enables the product line win/loss reason attribute.

  • Product line status is updated to an Open status:

    • The application disables the product line win/loss reason attribute.

    • The application updates the product line win/loss reason attribute to "undefined".

Opportunity Win/Loss Reason Updates

When an opportunity is in an Open status, the opportunity win/loss reason attribute is disabled. Win/loss reason is activated when the opportunity is set to a Closed status. When the opportunity win/loss reason is updated, the application updates all opportunity product lines where the win/loss reason attribute is synchronized.

Note: If the opportunity line item status is set to inactive, then Reason field is editable in the List view so that you can include a reason why the line item isn't active. However, the Reason field isn't editable on the Form view of the Opportunity Line Item. This is expected behavior due to the difference in the page structure. The edit page from the List view has a table view for Revenues, while the Form page has a form view and is therefore not editable.

Opportunity and Product Line Competitor Updates

If a primary competitor has been defined at the opportunity level, when the opportunity status changes from an Open status to a Closed status, the application updates the product line competitor to the primary competitor for all lines that don't already have a competitor.

Tip: If a product line without a competitor is set to closed and the opportunity is saved, the application displays a dialog box that lets you copy the opportunity primary competitor to the product lines without competitors.

This action applies only to edit opportunity and close opportunity flows. It doesn't apply to the mass update flow.