Overview of Asset Calendars

Use your calendar to manage assets. An asset calendar displays the appointments relevant to your assets. Team members view all upcoming appointments related to an asset in the calendar and coordinate their activities for the asset.

You can create an asset calendar for:

  • Assets that you can access

  • One asset at a time

The asset calendar displays all appointments for the asset and private appointments. The asset calendar identifies the owners of the appointment with a picture or icon with the user initials or name. With the asset calendar you can:

  • View all appointments related to an asset in a single calendar view.

  • View all the owners of appointments related to an asset.

  • Hide or show appointments of individual or multiple appointment owners.

  • Save asset calendars to a list and access the calendar that you want.

  • Determine the owner of each appointment on the calendar.

  • Switch between all calendar views: day, week, month, and agenda.