Create an Asset Calendar View

An asset calendar displays the appointments relevant to your assets. After an appointment is associated with an asset, you can create an asset calendar view from the My Calendar page.

The asset calendar is available to the whole organization as soon as one person across an organization associates an appointment with an asset.

The asset calendar displays:

  • All appointments that are associated with an asset.

  • All owners of appointments associated with an asset. The appointments can be owned by different people.

Here's how you can create an asset calendar view:

  1. Click the Manage My Calendar icon on the My Calendar page.

  2. Click Other Calendars.

  3. Click Create Asset Calendar View.

    The Create Asset Calendar page appears.

    Tip: Remember, an asset calendar can only be enabled after an appointment is associated with an asset.
  4. Click Search in the Asset field.

    The Select: Asset page appears.

  5. Search for and select an asset. Alternatively, you can create an asset to use.

  6. Click OK.

    The name of the asset is automatically populated as the calendar name, but you can change it if needed.

  7. Save your changes.

    You can access the asset calendar from the My Calendar page by clicking Manage My Calendar > Other Calendars. You can filter the calendar to view appointments associated with a particular owner.