What activities can I do from the Interactions History subtab?

You can track and view interactions if your sales administrator has enabled you to log interactions and has enabled the Interactions History subtab on object pages such as Activity, Account, Lead, or Opportunity.

From the Interactions History subtab you can log interactions using the:
  • Log an Interaction button

    Interactions include phone calls, web conferences, or wrap up calls you had with your customers or prospects.

  • Log an email button
    When logging an email, you can:
    • Add emails manually - You can’t reply or forward the message content of the conversations saved in the Interactions History subtab.
    • Delete a manually-added email. - However, the emails that are shared from the add-in or those flowing in Digital Sales can’t be deleted. You can modify a manually entered email message, but you can’t see the email thread or modify an auto-captured email.

    In addition, you can also use the Log an Interaction smart action from the Workspace action menus on all the relevant object pages of Workspace.

    Note: Once log interactions is enabled for you, then you won’t be able to log a call from activities or use the Log a Call smart action on the object pages of Workspace.