Redirect to Opportunity After Lead Conversion

Converting a lead to an opportunity lets you pursue the account in the sales cycle. You can choose whether you want to be redirected immediately to the opportunity page after the successful conversion.

This reduces the time spent going to the Opportunities subtab on the Lead and finding the right opportunity to open. To get redirected to the edit opportunity page depends on the privileges assigned to your role, your access level as a lead sales team member, and whether your sales administrator has configured the Redirect to Opportunity After Conversion check box on the Convert Lead page in Application Composer.
Note: This feature is available only for converting leads using the simplified UI. Workspace smart actions doesn't support being directed to an opportunity after performing a lead conversion so if you want to convert leads in Workspace, then don't enable this feature.

You can convert a lead to an opportunity from the Actions menu by selecting Convert. An error message displays if you don't have the required privilege to convert the lead. You will be returned to the lead details page or the lead list page from where you started the lead conversion action.

Note: The Redirect to Opportunity After Conversion check box is deselected by default and is available only for single lead conversions. It isn't available on the Mass Convert Layout Pages for Leads.

How to Redirect to Opportunities Page After Conversion

You convert a lead to an opportunity when the lead is ready for further processing along the sales cycle. Here's how to select whether you want to be redirected immediately to the opportunity page after a successful lead to opportunity conversion.

  1. Navigate to the Leads UI and select the lead you want to convert to an opportunity.

  2. From the Actions drop-down list, select Convert.

  3. From the Convert Leads dialog, select the Redirect to Opportunity After Conversion check box.

  4. Click Submit.

Once the conversion is successfully completed, you're brought immediately to the opportunities UI where you can review and edit the newly created opportunity.