Saved Searches

When you open Workspace or navigate to a work area, the page displays the list of items generated by the default saved search. They contain predefined search criteria that display useful lists for you as soon as you select them.

Selecting My Appointments, for example, shows you a list of your current appointments, selecting My Overdue Tasks lists all of your overdue tasks, and so on. Saved searches are provided by Oracle, by your administrator, and you can create them yourself by saving any search in Workspace.

The predefined saved searches provided by Oracle follow a naming convention:

  • To view a list of items you own, select saved searches starting with the word "My". For example, My Appointments displays the list of the appointments you created. My Accounts displays a list of accounts where you're listed as the owner. You're an owner of the account if you created the account record or if you're assigned ownership by an administrator.

  • To view a list of the broadest range of items, select the saved search that starts with the word "All". For example, selecting All Accounts searches all the accounts you can view.

When you select a saved search, the search results display on the page. You can see the approximate number of items in each saved search, and you can control how the items are sorted.