Select Addresses for Activity Accounts and Contacts

If the administrator has exposed the address selector in the Activities pages, you can associate an address with an activity's account or contact. This association helps sales managers audit and relate call report contact or account location with actual sales.

Managers can also view an audit trail of a salesperson's customer visits. On a call report, the address selector helps to automatically populate the address of the account or contact.

Remember the following rules:

  • You can change the selected address as needed, except after a call report is submitted.

  • The addresses are available for accounts, if both accounts and contacts are defined for the activity.

  • If only contacts are defined for an activity, but not an account, then the address shown is related to the primary contact.

Your administrator can enable the ability to select addresses on call reports, appointments, and tasks. Using the address selector on a call report is used as an example in the following procedure. To select an address:

  1. Open an appointment or a task to access a call report.

  2. Click Create Call Report or open an existing Call Report.

  3. Select an account.

  4. Select an address related to the account from the Addresses section.

  5. Click Save and Close.