Share Content as Joint Owner

In the Sales Lightbox content library, you can share your content with other sales application users and make them joint owners of the content.

If you make any changes to the content after you share it with a user, these changes are visible to all owners with whom the document has been shared. When you share a document with a user with joint ownership, that user is allowed to update and delete that document. You can only share a content with a user as joint owner if the user has access to Sales Lightbox, and if the content owner has also granted you joint ownership.

Here's how to share content with a user as joint owner.

  1. Navigate to Sales > Lightbox.

    The Lightbox page appears, showing content that is available to you.

  2. In the My Content or Shared Content views, click the Actions menu and select Share Content with User as Joint Owner.

    The search and select page for users appears.

  3. Search for and select the user.

  4. Click OK.

    A confirmation message lets you know the content was successfully shared.