Overview of Sharing Content

In the Sales Lightbox content library, you can share content with:

  • Opportunities

  • Accounts

  • Users

You can also select a user to be the joint owner of a content item along with you.

Share Content with Opportunities and Accounts

You can share your content with accounts and opportunities. When you share content with an opportunity or an account, you're essentially attaching a copy of the content to the opportunity or account you select. Note the following:

  • You can only share content with an account or an opportunity if you have access to Sales accounts or opportunities applications.

  • If you make any changes to the content after you share it with an opportunity, the shared document isn't affected.

Share Content with Other Users

You can share content with another user without granting joint ownership. The following table indicates which actions the other user can perform after the content is shared. All content that's shared without joint ownership is available in the user's Shared Content view.


User Permission?

View content


Download content


Share content without joint ownership


Update content


Share content with joint ownership


Delete content


Share Content with a User as the Joint Owner

If you own a content item, you can share it with a user and grant joint ownership to that user. The following table indicates which actions the other user can perform when the content is shared with joint ownership. All content that's shared with joint ownership is available in the user's My Content view.


User Permission?

View content


Download content


Update content


Share content with ownership


Share content without ownership


Delete content


For procedures details sharing activities, see the additional topics on sharing content.