Update Content

In the Sales Lightbox content library, you can replace or overwrite existing content that you own. For example, you might have already shared content with other users, but you want to replace the original content with a version containing newer data.

Here's how you can update content.

  1. Navigate to Sales > Lightbox.

    The Lightbox page appears, showing content that is available to you. Each item is represented by a thumbnail image. The image has icons on it that allow access to actions and information.

  2. In the My Content view, locate the content you want to replace and update.

  3. From the Actions menu, click Update.

    The Upload new version of Content dialog window appears.

  4. Click Browse. Browse for and select the updated content from a location on your computer.

  5. Click Open or double-click the file.

  6. Click Upload.

    A confirmation message lets you know of a successful upload.

  7. After the update is complete, refresh your view to see the new thumbnail images for the content, and to access the content.