View Account Engagement Level From Sales Insights

Sales representatives, managers, and leaders can view an objective understanding of the engagement level of accounts based on detailed analysis of account interaction and historical exchanges.

They can view at a glance which accounts have high, moderate, or low engagement and this helps them plan and prioritize the next set of actions. Knowing which accounts to target for the next sales outreach allows then to create more leads and increase the pipeline.

Sales insight details about account tracking activities is accessed from the Profile tab on the Accounts page. Identifying those accounts that are either highly or moderately engaged and by observing certain accounts helps salespeople to:

  • Prioritize the next set of actions for records and tasks

  • Improve productivity with moving the sales pipeline along

  • Identify quickly what's wrong with a lead or opportunity and take the necessary corrective action

Here's an example of a sales insight for an account.

An example of a sales insight for an Account