Which fields or data are initially set on an opportunity?

Several fields are initially set to default values when you create an opportunity, as described in this topic.

Following are the fields initially set to default values when you create an opportunity:

  • Sales Channel: Set to Direct

  • Currency: Determined by the settings in user preferences

  • Win Probability: Set to percentage determined by sales method or profile option

  • Close Date: Set to 90 days from creation date

  • Status: Set to Open

  • Sales Method: Set to default sales method

  • Sales Stage: Set to first sales stage in default sales method

  • Owner: Set to user creating opportunity

  • Revenue: Set to zero

  • Worst Case: Set to zero

  • Best Case: Set to zero

  • Opportunity Number: Unique, application-generated number

  • Created By: Set to user creating opportunity

  • Creation Date: Set to current date

  • Include in Forecast: Based on forecast settings