Create Company Information

Use the Create Company Information scheduled process to setup the initial company information data.

When to Use

This scheduled process is submitted automatically when Setup Assistant is submitted. The process will be submitted only if the environment is pristine and no data has been setup. The job performs the following:

  • Submit this scheduled process to Synchronize users, roles, and role grants with definitions in LDAP.

  • Invokes RoleProvRulesPrivateService.

  • Invokes Enterprise Configuration Service that populates the enterprise information.

  • Invokes Worker Service.

  • Submit Send Pending LDAP Requests Job.

  • Sets ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY profile option with the provided currency.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privileges:

  • Roles:

    • Application Diagnostics Administrator

    • Application Implementation Consultant

    • IT Security Manager

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • The job can be submitted only once in an environment.

  • Execution Time:

    • The job takes less than 30 minutes to complete.

  • Compatibility:

    • This job gets submitted only once in an environment as part of Setup Assistant.



Mandatory or Optional


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


Enterprise Name


Specifies Enterprise name

The name of the enterprise.


Populates the name of the enterprise.

Address Line 1


Specifies address

The address of the enterprise


Populates the address of the enterprise.

Corporate Currency


Specifies Corporate Currency

The currency used in sales transactions.


This parameter is List of Values driven.



Sample, remove: Specifies the type of resource hierarchy.

The country of the enterprise.


This parameter is List of Values driven.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can see the status of the process in Setup Assistant's progress page.

  • The initial company information isn't populated and has to be manually captured.

  • The scheduled process is idempotent. It can be started again, if it fails and starts again from the point of failure.

  • The success of this scheduled process can be verified by checking the Company Information Quick Setup page. If the enterprise name, address and currency are populated, then the job was successfully completed.