Update Quotes Currency Conversion Rate

Use the Update Quotes Currency Conversion Rate scheduled process to update of the currency conversion rate on the quote header when the quote is edited.

Quotes only support quote lines within a single currency. However, when we are reporting on different quote line items, we have to deal with different currencies. For example, a computer manufacturing company Vision Corp sells its computers across Europe and America. Its is headquartered in the US and the corporate currency is US Dollars (USD) for reporting purposes. Computers sold in United Kingdom are sold in British Pounds (GBP). We need a GBP to USD conversion rate on quote header. Similarly, computers are sold in Swiss Francs (CHF) in Switzerland. The quote will also be in CHF. We need a CHF to USD conversion rate on quote header. To understand the revenue expected, we need to use the corporate currency conversion stamped on the quote header and use that to convert the three quote line items and then aggregate. This scheduled process helps with this conversion.

When to Use

This scheduled process:

  • Runs reports on quote line items and gets results for quote lines that are in different currencies.

  • Supports currency conversion for quotes so that the right contract values are displayed for quote.

  • Isn't run, quote contract values reporting is impacted.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following roles or privileges:

  • Roles:

    • Sales Administrator

  • Privileges:


Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • Run this scheduled process on need basis.

  • Execution Time

    • Takes approximately 13 seconds to process 60,000 records.

  • Compatibility:

    • This scheduled process isn't dependent on any other business processes.

    • You can't run multiple instances of this process.



Troubleshooting Information

Use this information to troubleshoot the scheduled process:

  • There's no notification for this short running job.

  • If this scheduled process didn't run successfully, you receive incorrect quote contract values. When this process is rerun, it picks up from where the job failed.

  • This scheduled process is idempotent. This scheduled process can be restarted, if it failed in the initial run.

  • No cleanup activity is required before running a failed scheduled process.

  • There's no way to verify if this scheduled process is successful from the application. Review the scheduled process status.