Synchronize Quotas

Use the Synchronize Quotas scheduled process to synchronize the selected sales quota plan with any modifications to territories since the last synchronization time.

Sales managers or administrators frequently make changes to active territories directly, using territory proposals, or through web services. Only if you update territories using a territory proposal are the territory hierarchies automatically synchronized with your active quota plan. Schedule synchronization to run frequently to provide the latest structure for allocating quotas.

  • If all territories weren't successfully synchronized, then:

    • Synchronization status is set to Error

    • Last Synchronization Time isn't updated

  • If all territories were successfully synchronized, then:

    • Synchronization status is set to Succeeded

    • Last Synchronization Time is updated to system date

When to Use

Territories and the resources assigned to them change frequently. You can schedule the Synchronize Quotas process to run daily so that current and future quota plans that are active use the latest territory hierarchy.

There are two ways to synchronize:

  • Synchronize button after selecting a quota plan on the Manage Sales Quota plans page

  • Locate the Synchronize Quotas process on the Scheduled Processes page. Specify the quota plan you want to synchronize as a parameter. Run synchronization.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privileges:

  • Role

    • Sales Administrator

  • Privilege


Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • Run this scheduled process on a daily basis.

  • Execution Time:

    • Time varies based on the number of changes in the territories.

  • Compatibility:

    • Allow multiple jobs to run in parallel, if they're for separate quota plans. The scheduled process runs a job only when the parameter is different from the currently running job.



Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


Sales Quota Plan


You can select Sales Quota Plan from drop down

Sales Quota Plan drop down displays only new and active sales quota plans.


This parameter is list of values driven.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the publish or revise operation in the scheduled process UI.

  • Validation errors and warning messages that prevented the publish of the territory quota are displayed in the error log.

  • When the program is submitted , you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, Release Process as provided by the scheduled process UI.