Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing

Use the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing scheduled process to assign access group object sharing rules to assignment objects each time you add an access group and share rules.

When to Use

Use this scheduled process in the following cases:

  • After creating an access group, you can create rules to provide the group with access to an object's records. You can define rules for both standard and custom objects. To create an object sharing rule, you specify the type of object access to be provided, the conditions under which the access is provided, and the groups to share the rule with. You then publish the rule to Assignment Manager. Finally, you run the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing task to enable the resources in the associated access group to have access to the object data records. This scheduled process ensures that the access group sharing rules for each object are assigned properly.

  • You can edit, delete, or inactivate object sharing rules at any time from either the Object Sharing Rules page or from the Edit Access Group: Object Sharing Rules subtab. Any changes you make are applied when the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Process scheduled process is next run.

  • Create access extension rules to extend the access defined for an object in an object sharing rule to a related object. For example, if you have secured access to an object such as Account using object sharing rules, you can extend the access defined for the Account object to a related object, such as Activity, by creating an access extension rule. All members of an access group who can access account data will then have access to activity data for the account with the access level you choose in the access extension rule. Run the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment Processing scheduled process to ensure that the access extension rule is assigned.

  • You can also run this scheduled process to assign a batch of access group object sharing rules for all the available assignment objects. You can schedule these jobs to run regularly to ensure that all access group object sharing rules, records, and object data for your selected access groups are assigned and available to you.

Note: If there are more than 50 records included in the processing, then this scheduled process can't run for the same object simultaneously.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following roles or privileges:

  • Roles:

    • System Administrator

  • Privileges:

    • No special privileges required

Before You Use

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • You must run this process periodically as per your business requirements to ensure you have the required access to all records and object data for your selected access groups.

    • If you require immediate access to new records and objects, you can manually submit the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment process to run immediately on need basis. For example, a rule already exists for the account object and you create a new account record. You won't have real time access to this record based on the existing object rule until the next scheduled run of the Perform Object Sharing Rule Assignment job. If you want to access the new account record immediately, you can submit the job on need basis.

    • We recommend that you run this scheduled process every hour.

  • Compatibility:

    • No known dependencies with other scheduled processes.



Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


Work Object


Select the work object you want from the drop-down list.


Not applicable


Record Selection


You can run the assignment process on a subset of records.

All records.

Enter a record selection value for these options:

Records updated in last 'X' days

Records updated in last 'X' hours

Records updated between dates

Single record

Not applicable.

You might want to run the object sharing rule assignment process for an individual record (for each type of object) and confirm the access group rule processing is correct before processing all records for an object.


Record Selection Value


Applicable if you select any value in the Record Selection field except All.


Not applicable


Number of Work Objects per Sub Process


It is recommended that this value isn't changed. This number depends upon the Maximum Sub Processes per Process parameter's value.

Thousand is the default value.

Not applicable


Maximum Sub Processes per Process


If the number objects created is less than 500 thousand, then leave the default option of 2 as the maximum number of sub processes per process. The following recommendation is only applicable for when this process is run for the first time or for a complete run for all objects. However, the next time you run the process, only the changed objects are processed. If you're executing incremental runs at periodic scheduled times, then there's no need to update the default value of 2.

We recommend that changing this value if the number of objects is:

  • Between 500 thousand and 1 million objects enter 5

  • Greater than 1 million objects, enter 10

  • Greater than 5 million objects, enter 20

  • Greater than 10 million objects, enter 30

Two is the default value.

Not applicable


Diagnostic Mode


Used for troubleshooting purposes.

Not applicable



Troubleshooting Information

Use this information to troubleshoot the scheduled process:

  • Warning or errors are displayed and details are captured in the scheduled process.

  • Use the Diagnostic mode for detailed analysis.

  • Use the Batch Assignment Progress Report or the Batch Assignment Error Report to view the details. For more information about these reports, see the Related Topics section.