Refresh Service Categories for Reporting

Use the Refresh Service Categories for Reporting scheduled process to create new BI reports involving Service Request (SR) Category.

Generates the service category hierarchy and stores it in the SVC_CATEGORIES_CF table in a flattened form to make it easier for easy reporting. Service category attributes in all service request subject areas obtain data from this table.

When to Use

This process needs to be executed for several Infolets and out of box BI reports to show data for SR Category. In addition, any ad hoc report that uses the SR Category attribute either as a ‘flat’ column or in a hierarchical fashion will show data for SR Category only after this scheduled process is run. Otherwise SR Category shows as blank.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privileges:

  • To administer the job, the following roles are required with delete, execute, read and update:



  • To schedule the job the following privilege is required


Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • The recommended frequency is hourly.

  • Execution Time:

    • For single data record, less than 1 second.

    • For batch job on volume of 1K records, less than 30 seconds. The relevant data comes from the table SVC_CATEGORIES, which doesn't usually have many rows.

    • Compatibility:

      • There are no prerequisites to run this scheduled process.

      • No other processes are triggered when this scheduled process runs.

      • No potential impact on the server performance while this job is running.

      • Only one instance of the scheduled process must run at any one time to avoid any potential issues.

      • There are no issues with business processes executing in parallel with this job.

      • This scheduled process is incompatible with itself, therefore only one instance of the job should be running at any particular time.



Troubleshooting Information

Use this information to troubleshoot the scheduled process.

  • Notification of job completion would be using the standard ESS job notification system.
  • If the scheduled job does not run successfully, the next scheduled instance will process all relevant data.
  • This scheduled process idempotent, and no cleanup activity is required if the job fails.
  • When the scheduled process starts it will attempt to obtain a process lock. If no other instance of the process is running, it will be successful. Upon successful completion or in the event the process fails gracefully, the lock will be released.
  • If the scheduled process is unable to obtain a process lock, the lock will automatically expire after 24 hours.
  • To verify this scheduled process is running successfully perform a BI report dimensional query on Service Category from any subject area that has the dimension. Commonly if the process has not run, the report will return no data. If a custom category was recently added, it will be present in the report if the process has run successfully recently. For example in the Service – CRM Service Requests Real Time subject area, select elements from the Service Category folder.