Types of Orchestration Steps

Here's a description of the different types of steps you can create for your orchestrations.

Step Type Description

Tasks to be performed by salespeople. You can add a smart action to a task, such as Send Email, Call, and Show Contacts. In the runtime UI, task steps with smart actions display a button with the action name.

Smart actions take automatic actions, such as opening windows and displaying information for salespeople to act on. For example, a task step with the Call smart action displays a Call button that salespeople can click to open the soft phone and start a call.

All steps of type Task automatically create a task in the background. Salespeople can review the task and edit it in the Pending section on the Activities page, the list of all activities on the record. Salespeople also see the pending tasks on their Sales Dashboard and in the Activities work area.

Important: Don't use the Task step type together with the Schedule Appointment smart action to schedule appointments. Doing so merely creates a task for the salesperson to create the appointment. The task is considered complete when the salesperson clicks on the Schedule Appointment button. It doesn't track the completion of the appointment itself.
Appointment The Appointment type step lets salespeople schedule an appointment with the click of a button. During setup, you specify if the appointment will be a call or a web conference. And you suggest appointment details such as timing, length, and participants. You can also attach documents to be used in the appointment.

When the step runs, an appointment gets automatically created in the background and tentatively scheduled using the time delay you enter in the step. For example, you can specify that the appointment be scheduled 24-hours after the step runs.

The appointment gets automatically listed among the pending Activities for the record. Salespeople can also view appointments in the Activities work area and in the Sales Dashboard.

Salespeople must edit the appointment and reschedule it to the actual time they want to hold the meeting.

Just as with tasks, you can specify the success criteria that move the orchestration to the next step. You can deem the appointment a success if the salesperson selects the Positive Outcome resolution code during call wrap up, for example.

Wait The Wait type step pauses the orchestration for the number of days you specify. This step type, like all automatic steps that don't require salespeople to take an action, doesn't show up in the UI.
Next Stage

The Next Stage step type moves the orchestration to another orchestration stage. You can add more than one Next Stage step to move to different stages, depending on the outcome of the previous stage. For example, you may want to move to a Close stage if the opportunity is won, but to a Lost stage if it's not.

For opportunities, the sales method can require salespeople to enter specific information in a sales stage. If the required information is missing, the application will request the salesperson to enter it before advancing to the next stage.

The Next Stage step, like all automatic steps, doesn't require salespeople to take an action. It doesn't show up in the UI.


The Stop step type indicates the end of a branch in the orchestration. For example, you can add a stop when you exhausted all attempts to contact a customer.


The Automation step type, takes the action that you specify in a Groovy script.

Field Update

The Field Update type step lets you automatically update fields to desired values. For example, if the opportunity is closing on the deal, then you can automatically update the close date so that the opportunity appears in this quarter's sales forecast.

Note: To have salespeople manually update specific opportunity field values, you can create a task with the Update Opportunity smart action as described in the topic Step for Manual Opportunity Field Updates.
Email Automation The Email Automation step lets you send mail-merged emails from templates without salesperson involvement. You must create the templates ahead of time.