Agreement Rules Dictionary

An agreements rules dictionary is a collection of predefined terms and attributes that can be used to define agreement rules.

The Oracle Customer Data Hub comes with a single predefined dictionary (HZ_Parties) that contains all the predefined Agreement Rules shipped out of the box with the application. You can also use this dictionary to define custom agreement rules according to your business requirements. Note that you can only view the predefined agreement rules. You can't edit them. In contrast, you can create, view, update, and delete user-defined agreement rules. Merge requests that violate agreement rules are rejected.

Before using this dictionary to define custom agreement rules, you must review whether the agreement rule terms and term attributes existing in the predefined agreement rules dictionary are sufficient to define custom agreement rules needed to meet your business requirements. If required, refresh terms to import the latest terms, term attributes, and related metadata, for example, fact types such as entities and objects. Refreshing the dictionary help you pull in all the newly added custom attributes for accounts and contacts.