Define Agreement Rules

This example demonstrates how to create user-defined agreement rules that you can use to prevent a merge request from being processed.

Agreement rules are collections of patterns and conditions that are defined to determine whether a merge request should be vetoed by the application or not. Perform the following tasks to define agreement rules:

  • Review and refresh terms in the predefined agreement rules dictionary shipped out of the box

  • Add a new agreement rule

For more information on agreement rules, see Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Rules on Oracle Technology Network at

Review and Refresh Terms in the Predefined Agreement Rules Dictionary

The Customer Hub application is shipped with a predefined agreement rules dictionary that contains all the predefined Agreement Rules shipped out of the box with the application. Before using this dictionary to define custom agreement rules, you must review whether the agreement rule terms and term attributes existing in the predefined agreement rules dictionary are sufficient to define custom agreement rules needed to meet your business requirements. If required, refresh terms to import the latest terms, term attributes, and related metadata, for example, fact types such as entities and objects. Refreshing the dictionary helps you pull in all the newly added custom attributes for accounts and contacts. Use the following steps to review and refresh the agreement rules dictionary:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Customer Data Management

    • Functional Area: Customer Hub

    • Task: Manage Agreement Rules

  2. On the Manage Agreement Rules page, review whether the agreement rule terms and term attributes existing in the predefined agreement rules dictionary are sufficient to define custom agreement rules needed to meet your business requirements.

  3. Click Refresh Terms to import the latest terms, term attributes, and related metadata.

  4. Click OK in response to the confirmation message.

Add a New Agreement Rule

After reviewing and refreshing the Agreement Rules Dictionary using the earlier steps, perform the following steps to create a new custom agreement rule:
  1. On the Manage Agreement Rules page, click Next to navigate to the Manage Agreement Rules: Define Rules page.

  2. Click Add form the Actions menu to add a new rule.

  3. Enter a rule name.

  4. Click Define Rule.

  5. Enter the reason for creating the agreement rule in the Justification Reason.

  6. Click Add form the Actions menu to create a new pattern.

  7. Complete the fields in the new pattern field using the sample information provided in the following table. Use the default values except where indicated. Note that the relation is always AND between patterns and can't be edited. You must include the Dictionary Terms OrganizationPartyVO and PersonPartyVO, with defined MergeType, into the Define Patterns column. These patterns determines the master and nonmaster records.


    Dictionary Term

    Term Alias


    for each case where




    for each case where




    there is a case where




  8. Navigate to the Conditions table.

  9. Click Add from the Actions menu to add a new condition and complete the fields using the sample information provided in the following table. Use the default values except where indicated.

    Term Attribute





    is not











  10. Click Save or Save and Close.

  11. Click Submit.