How You Configure Synonyms and Skip-words Dictionary

You can use synonyms and skip-words to improve the quality of match results. Synonyms help you to map words that are used interchangeably in your industry.

For example, Tech maybe mapped to Technology. Skip-words help reduce noise words such as titles like Mr or Ms in names. These synonyms and skip-words dictionaries are pre-defined as lookup types. You can configure these dictionaries by modifying the lookup types. These lookup types let you tailor the match results by word replacement patterns that may be unique to your application.

Note: Synonyms are supported only for Person names, Organization Names, and Address lines 1 to 4.

You can add, edit, or remove words or patterns in the following out of the box lookup types:

  • ORA_ZCQ_CS_ACC_MAPPING_DATA: Modify this lookup type to update the mapping of account data. For example, Tech indicates Technology.

  • ORA_ZCQ_CS_CON_MAPPING_DATA: Modify this lookup type to update the mapping of contact data. For example, Abbi indicates Abigail.

  • ORA_ZCQ_CS_ADD_MAPPING_DATA: Modify this lookup type to update the mapping of address data. For example, Rd indicates Road.

  • ORA_ZCQ_CS_ACC_STRIP_DATA: Modify this lookup type to update the list of strip words for account data. For example, add Org to the list to remove it during data matches.

  • ORA_ZCQ_CS_ADD_STRIP_DATA: Modify this lookup type to update the list of strip words for address data.

  • ORA_ZCQ_CS_CON_STRIP_DATA: Modify this lookup type to update the list of strip words for contact data. For example, add Mr. or Ms. to the list to remove them during data matches.

Note: These lookups don't support these special characters ! " # $ % ' * - : ; @

You can access the lookup types by following these steps:

  1. Sign in as a setup user such as, Sales Administrator, Master Data Management Application Administrator, or Application Implementation Consultant.

  2. Click Navigator > Setup and Maintenance work area.

  3. Click the Tasks menu and click Search. Search for Manage Standard Lookups task and open it.

  4. Type ORA_ZCQ_CS% in the Lookup Type field and click Search.

    A list of lookup types is displayed.

  5. Click to select a lookup type.

    The details of the lookup are displayed. You can add, delete, or modify the lookup values as per your requirement.