Key Generation

The EDQ matching process for real-time and batch matching makes use of the EDQ Cluster Key Generation service and the EDQ matching service for duplicate identification. Successful key generation is critical to duplicate identification.

Key generation identifies similar parties and assigns a key to each. When a matching configuration is made active, the application passes a set of keys (subset of parties) to the EDQ matching service to process for duplicate identification.

The EDQ Cluster Key Generation service must be run whenever a record is added or updated in the application. This service generates keys for records added as well as for the records that are updated in the application. If keys aren't generated, duplicate identification fails.

How You Configure Key Generation

The duplicate identification process uses matching keys, which must be maintained through a key generation process. You need to set up a recurring, incremental key generation job for each active data quality matching configuration for batch duplicate identification. You also may want to configure real-time key generation for immediate matching of new data as soon as new data is entered.

How You Setup Recurring Incremental Key Generation (Required)

You can schedule incremental key generation for an active matching configuration using the schedule key generation option on the Edit Matching Configuration page. This generates keys for records that don't have a key or if the key time stamp is older than that of the records. You must incrementally generate matching key values for the new or updated accounts and contacts.

To assure your duplicate identification processes use up-to-date matching keys, check if the following setup tasks have been completed.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Customer Data Management

    • Functional Area: Data Quality Foundation

    • Task: Enterprise Data Quality Matching Configuration

  2. Click the name of the required active match configuration.

  3. Click Scheduled Key Generation.

  4. Click Advanced.

  5. Select Using a schedule option in the Advanced Options section.

  6. Specify the frequency, the start date, and end date to run the scheduled process.

    You may want to select a distant end-date to reduce how often you must run this task and to help assure that the recurring schedule doesn't lapse.

  7. Click Submit.

    The recurring incremental key generation scheduled process is submitted.

How You Specify Real-time Key Generation (Optional)

You may want to configure keys to be generated for immediate matching of new data as soon as new data is entered. For example, different users may be entering duplicate records at nearly the same time and you may want the keys to be generated immediately. Real-Time key generation process is available to handle such scenarios.

Follow these steps to enable real-time key generation:

  1. Search and navigate to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  2. Search for the ORA_ZCQ_ENABLE_REALTIME_KEYGEN profile option.

  3. Set the Site level profile option value to Yes.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Best Practices for Real-Time Key generation

Here are guidelines to help you decide if real-time key generation is right for your business needs:

  • Use Real-Time key generation only if an appropriately scheduled incremental key generation process doesn't support your business process needs.

  • Certain processes, such as batch address cleansing, don't trigger real-time key generation events. Real-time key generation isn't sufficient to replace recurring incremental key generation, but it may be used as a complement for certain business scenarios.

  • If possible, disable update events for higher-volume data creation and update processes, such as web service-based data integration flows.

To disable high-volume user accounts from generating update events:

  1. Search and navigate to the Manage Administrator Profile Values task.

  2. Search for the ZCA_PUBLIC_BUSINESS_EVENTS profile option.

  3. Click Actions > New in the Profile Values section.

  4. Specify the following values:

    • Set the Profile Level to User.

    • Select the User Name for which you want to suppress business events.

    • Set the Profile Value to No.

  5. Click Save and Close.

How You Rebuild Keys

You must rebuild keys before activating a new configuration. You must rebuild keys if you change match configuration mappings or if you think that the keys are no longer valid because of updates to the records. You can regenerate matching key values using the Rebuild Keys option in the Edit Matching Configuration page.

How You Specify Real-time and Batch Key Generation Options

You can specify different key generation options for batch matching and real-time matching. Take for example the cluster key level parameter that has the values, limited, typical, or exhaustive. It's possible to select one value of this parameter, say limited, for batch matching and another, say exhaustive, for real-time matching, depending on how tightly you want the data quality engine to match records.

How You Review Key Generations Status

You can search for key generation jobs and review the status of each key generation job on the Manage Key Generation page. The following table describes the various possible key generation statuses for a matching configuration.

Key Generation Status



Key generation for the configuration is required.


Key generation for the configuration is in progress.

Review Required

Key generation for this configuration needs review.


Key generation for this configuration is complete.