Manage Source System Confidence Levels

Source system confidence levels indicate the reliability of a particular source system for specific attributes. You can add and delete source system confidence levels in the Manage Source System Confidence page.

To add a source system:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Source System Confidence page from Setup and Maintenance.

  2. Click New in the Actions menu.

  3. In the Define Source System Confidence page, select the object type for which you want to define source system confidence levels.

  4. Select the attributes for which you want to define source system confidence level.

  5. In the Source System Code table, select the source system code that you want to associate with the selected attributes.

  6. Enter the confidence level for the source system. This confidence level is applied to selected attributes in the source system.

You can similarly associate other source systems with the attributes you selected and specify new confidence levels as required.