Set Up Electronic Signature

After you set up the electronic signature functionality, contracts users can submit contracts that can be signed electronically.

Before you start

Contracts Prerequisites
  • When you create contract types, you specify whether an electronic signature is required for contract acceptance and activation.
  • An electronic signature contract type is set up with:

    • The Requires signature check box set to Yes.

    • The Electronic signature check box set to Yes.

    • The Solution Provider is DocuSign or OneSpan.

    • Entry of a meaningful value for the email subject and email message.

  • An electronic signature contract terms layout template must be set up with the signature table and with the standard tags in the signature table. This layout template is selected as the default contract terms layout template for the contract type to be used for electronic signatures.

  • The contract author who plans to send the contract for signature must have a valid email address and must be set up as a user in the account that's specified in the electronic signature setup.

See Define Contract Types for more information.

Electronic Signature Prerequisites

  1. Your organization must first register and obtain a license directly from a supported third-party electronic signature service provider. The supported providers are DocuSign and OneSpan.

  2. After the license is obtained, you must set up an account for your organization on the service provider's web site. You must create an administrator account on the site. Note that this is a one-time activity.

  3. Note down the account key, provider URL, user name, and password from the solution provider's site.

Here's what to do

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to your implementation project and open the Manage Contract Electronic Signature task.
  2. Select DocuSign or OneSpan as the solution provider.
  3. If you're using DocuSign:
    1. Enter the DocuSign User ID associated with the user profile that has administrator privileges.
    2. Enter the Account ID, which is the API account ID mentioned on the DocuSign website.
    3. Enter the appropriate DocuSign Endpoint URL.
    4. Provide the OAuth URL:
      • Development account:
      • Production account:
      Note: Developer accounts let you test and develop with DocuSign functionality for free. Developer accounts operate in the DocuSign development (demo) environment, which is similar to production except:
    5. Click Validate to provide one-time user consent to use DocuSign integration.
    6. Click ALLOW ACCESS to grant consent.

      You will receive a confirmation message on the linking of Oracle Enterprise Contracts and DocuSign.

    7. Click Validate, and after the validation status changes to Complete, Save and Close.
  4. If you're using OneSpan:
    1. Enter the user ID of the OneSpan account user, the API key, and the appropriate OneSpan endpoint URL.
    2. Save the settings.

What to do next

After you set up the electronic signature process, you must set up your contract types to enable them for electronic signatures. The enabling at the contract type level works in conjunction with the Enable electronic signature check box on individual contracts. So, if enabled for a particular type, by default, any contract you create of that type will also have the Enabled electronic signature box checked. Still, you can decide to uncheck it and turn off the electronic signature specifically for that contract. You can edit this check box if the contract has not yet been signed. However, once the contract reaches Pending acceptance status, you'll have to continue with the electronic signing process. See the topic, Define Contract Types, for more information.

For Contracts users to be able to send contracts for signature, these are required:

  1. They must have a valid electronic signature account.

  2. Their electronic signature user name must match their email address in Oracle Person Management.

  3. In the solution provider account, they must be defined as a member, with permission to send a contract for signing.

For more information on the Contracts user tasks, see How Capturing Contract Acceptance with Electronic Signatures Works.