Configure Import and Export Management for Enterprise Contracts

Here are the steps to configure Import Management for Enterprise Contracts:

  1. In your implementation project, go to the Define Import Management task list, and open the Manage File Import Objects task.

    1. Select the row for CONTRACT and click Edit.

    2. Enter default values for the attributes of objects ContractImportJob1 and Import ContractHeader1.

    3. Select the Map and Required check boxes as required and click Save and Close twice.

  2. Navigate to Define Import Management, and open the Manage File Import Mappings task.

    1. Select Contract in the Object drop down list and click Search to view the available mappings. Click Create to define a new mapping.

    2. Enter the required information and click Save and Close.

    3. Click a contract import mapping. Add column mappings as required. Ensure the source column header values match the column names in the data file and click Save and Close.

    4. Again click Save and Close to return to main folder structure.

  3. Navigate to Define Import Management, and open the Manage File Import Activities task.

    1. Click Create to schedule an import job.

    2. Enter the required information and click Next.

    3. Enter constant values for the import object attributes or click Next.

    4. Select a schedule from the Repeat Unit drop down list and click Next.

    5. Click Activate to schedule the import job.

Follow these steps to configure Export Management for Enterprise Contracts:

  1. In your implementation project, go to the Manage Bulk Data Export task list, and open the Schedule Export Processes task.

  2. Select Create from the Actions menu to view the Create Export Process Definition: Enter Basic Information page.

  3. Enter basic information about the export process, such as name and export map, in the page.

  4. Select Create from the Actions menu to view the Manage Export Objects dialog box.

  5. Select the objects you want to export and click Done.

  6. Specify the attributes and filters you want used to export.

  7. Click Next to view the Create Export Process Definition: Create Schedule page.

  8. Select the schedule for your export.

  9. Click Next to view the Create Export Process Definition: Review page.

  10. Review the export process details, and click Activate.