Define Contract Terms Library Components

Here are the steps to define contract terms library components (clauses and terms templates):

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to your implementation project, navigate to the Define Contract Terms and Clause Library Configuration task list, and go to the Manage Contract Terms Value Sets task.

    1. Search for value sets created for the Enterprise Contracts module. Value sets are required to define questions and rules in Terms library work area. Click Create.

    2. Enter the required information to create a value set. Save and click Done.

  2. Navigate to Define Contract Terms and Clause Library Configuration and open the Manage Contract Clause Types task.

  3. Create a new clause type and save.

  4. Navigate to Define Contract Terms and Clause Library Configuration and open the Specify Contract Clause Import XML File Location task.

  5. Set the profile value to the required value in your Enterprise Scheduling Service (ESS) server. Specify the ESS server directory where the import clauses from XML File process uploads and imports files into the Contract Terms Library.

  6. Navigate to Define Contract Terms and Clause Library Configuration and open the Manage Contract Standard Clauses, Templates, and Expert Rules task. This is not a setup and maintenance task, but a manual task that is performed from the Terms Library work area.

  7. To create terms clauses navigate in the application to Contract Management, then the Terms Library work area.

    1. Click the Create Clause task.

    2. Enter the required information to create a clause and click Submit.

      • The Title name should be unique for both buy and sell clauses.

      • The End Date for new clauses can't be a date in the past.

    3. Once you have submitted a new clause for approval, it will need to be approved by the clause approver.

    4. Once approved, you should now search for the clauses to verify that they are in Approved status.

  8. To create terms templates navigate in the application to Contract Management, then the Terms Library work area.

    1. Click the Create Terms Template task.

    2. Enter the required template information and click Save to enable the Document Types table.

    3. Select a contract type in the document type table and click the Clauses tab.

    4. Click the Add Section action.

    5. In the Add Section dialog box, enter a section name in the New Section box and click OK.

    6. Select your new section and click + to add a clause.

    7. In the Add Clauses dialog box, search for your clause, select the row, and click OK.

    8. Open your section, and click the clause title. Click the refresh icon in the toolbar to view the section and clause in the terms template preview pane. Click Submit.

    9. Check for and resolve any warnings or errors, and then click Submit.

    10. Save and close.

    11. Repeat the previous steps to add more term templates as needed.

    12. Click Submit and then click Submit again on the next page to submit it for approval.

    13. Once you have submitted a new template for approval, it will need to be approved by the template approver.

    14. Once approved, you should now search for the templates to verify that they are in Approved status.