Contract Line Types

Use the Manage Contract Line Types task to rename the types of lines available for selection when you create contract types. This optional implementation task is available in the Setup and Maintenance work area as part of the Enterprise Contracts offering in the Procurement Contracts functional area.

Line Types

Line types are names you give to the contract lines.

Associate each line type name with one of the fixed set of predefined line sources. A line source determines what item you can enter in a contract line and enables functionality of one of the integrated applications to that line. For example, project line sources expose Oracle Fusion Projects fields in contracts and make it possible for contract authors to relate lines to projects. Buy sources make it possible to create contract deliverables for the line and use those contract deliverables to create and manage purchase orders and purchase agreements in Oracle Fusion Purchasing or other integrated purchasing systems.

The application includes a set of predefined line type names for all available line sources. You may create additional names for use in different contract types. The predefined line types names are the same as the line source names they're associated with.

Line Type Sources

The application includes these predefined line type sources, which you can't modify or extend. If you don't enable the Use external item master option, you can create only those line type sources as described in this table:

Line Type Source


Free-form, buy agreement

Enables entry of items not tracked in inventory. You can create master agreements in the purchasing application from lines of this type.

Item, buy agreement

Enables entry of inventory items. You can create master agreements in the purchasing application from lines of this type.

Free-form, buy

Enables entry of items not tracked in inventory. You can create purchase orders in the purchasing application from lines of this type.

Item, buy

Enables entry of inventory items. You can create purchase orders in the purchasing application from lines of this type.

Free-form, project-based, sell

Enables entry of items not tracked in inventory. You can associate and bill the line to a project in Oracle Fusion Projects.

Item, project-based, sell

Enables entry of inventory items. You can associate and bill the line to a project in Oracle Fusion Projects.

Group, sell agreement

Enables grouping of items with shared negotiated terms for the future sale of that product group. The sales are tracked by group in the sales catalog.

Product, sell agreement, standalone

Enables entry of inventory products. You can create sales agreements from lines of this type.

Product, sell agreement, integrated

Enables entry of inventory products. You can create sales agreements from lines of this type with pricing information derived from Oracle Fusion Pricing.

If you enable Use external item master, you can create only those line type sources as described in this table:

Line Type Source


Subscription, sell

This line type applies to sell contracts and describes the sale of subscription items that are tracked in inventory.

Bundle, sell

This line type applies to sell contracts and describes the sale of bundled items tracked in inventory. Bundles can include other bundles or items.