Create and Edit RTF Report Layout Templates

An RTF template is a rich text format file that contains the layout instructions to use when generating the report output. Use Microsoft Word with the Template Builder for Word add-in to design RTF templates.


Install the Template Builder for Word add-in, and generate sample data.

Using Template Builder for Word

To modify an RTF template:

  1. If you are editing an existing layout:

    1. Select your report in the business intelligence catalog and click Edit.

    2. In the report editor, click the Edit link of the layout to download the RTF file.

    If you are creating a new layout, skip this step.

  2. Open the downloaded RTF template file in Microsoft Word. Or, if you're creating a new template, just open Microsoft Word.

  3. Load the sample data that you generated.

  4. Edit or create the layout template.

  5. Save the file as Rich Text Format (RTF).