Cross-Subject Area Analyses

You can create analyses that combine data from more than one subject area. This type of query is referred to as a cross-subject area analysis. Cross-subject area analyses can be classified into three broad categories:

  • Using common dimensions

  • Using common and local dimensions

  • Combining more than one result set from different subject areas using set operators such as union, union all, intersection, and difference.

Common Dimensions

A common dimension is a dimension that exists in all subject areas that are being joined in the report. For example, Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time and the Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Event Real Time subject areas have Worker, Job, and Department available. These dimensions are considered common dimensions between these two subject areas and they can be used to build a cross-subject area report.

Common and Local Dimensions

The Worker Assignment Details dimension in the Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time subject area isn't available in the Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Event Real Time subject area. Therefore it's a local dimension for the purposes of a cross-subject area query between these two subject areas.