How You Set Up Contract Party Roles

Using the following setups, you can make party roles available for use in contracts and view the primary parties on the Create Contract page.

Party roles provide a way of specifying the roles of different parties in the contract. For example, a sales contract may include the customer, a partner, and the internal business unit selling the product and service. The application comes with predefined party roles, but you can create additional roles and specify how the roles are used in sales, purchasing, and project contracts.

This topic:

  • Lists the predefined party roles and explains how you can add your own.

  • Explains how you make those party roles available for use in buy-intent and sell-intent contracts.

Managing Party Roles

As seen in the table, the application comes with the predefined party role names in the lookup type OKC_PARTY_ROLE. You can add additional lookup codes in the Setup and Maintenance work area by selecting the Manage Contract Party Roles task that's part of the Enterprise Contracts offering in the Enterprise Contracts Base functional area.

Lookup Code





Internal party






Third party

Making Party Roles Available for Use in Contracts

To make party roles available for use in contracts, you must:

  1. Associate each party role to the appropriate party source by selecting the Manage Contract Roles Sources task in the Contracts work area.

  2. While managing contract types using the Manage Contract Types task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, add each party role to the contract types where you want the party role to be used. You can add a party role either as one of the two primary contract parties (the Buyer Role and the Seller Role) or as a secondary party. You can only have one Seller Role and one Buyer Role in a contract. You can have multiple secondary parties with the same role.

As seen in the table, the application includes the following party sources which you can't modify:

Party Source Code





Parties in the Trading Community Architecture where the party usage is External Legal Entity.


Business Unit

Internal business units.



Parties in TCA where the party usage is Supplier.


Internal party

Internal parties available for Oracle Fusion Projects inter-project billing.



Partners. This source is reserved for Oracle Fusion Partner Relationship Management.

Reusing the same party in buy and sell contracts:You can use the same party role for both buy-intent and sell-intent contracts by associating the party role to different sources. This figure shows how you can reuse the role Customer in both buy and sell contracts. The customer for sales contracts is a TCA party (Customer). The customer for buy contracts is an internal business unit. To reuse the same party in buy and sell contracts, you:Select the Customer party role in the Manage Contract Role Sources page.Set the Sell Intent Source to Customer and the Buy Intent Source to Business Unit.To use the party role in a contract, you must also enter it in contract types where you want to use it as one of the primary contact parties or as a secondary party.The setup in this figure has the following effect:When you create a sales contract, the Customer list of values lists external parties.When you create a purchasing contract, the Customer list of values lists business units.
This figure shows how you can map the same party role to different parties.

Viewing Primary Parties

You can view the primary parties on the Create Contract page by adding External Legal Entity usage to the party. You can use Usage Assignments to define how entities are used across the application. You can manage usage assignments for an entity from the Edit Organization entity's Edit page.

To view the parties while creating contracts:
  1. Navigate to the Organization work area as follows: Navigator>Customer Data Management.

  2. Search for the record. You can search by entering criteria such as the name, registry ID, and type. You can also use the saved searches.

  3. Select the record from the Search Results region and click through its name or identifier to navigate to the relevant Edit page. For example, the Edit Organization (account), Edit Person (contact), or Edit Group (Household) page appears.

  4. Click Usage Assignments in the Party Center.

  5. On the Usage Assignment tab, you can update the External Legal Entity usage for an organization from a party of interest to a customer.