How You Set Up Party Contact Roles

Contact roles specify the roles that the contacts play in a contract. Your application provides predefined contact roles, but you can set up additional contact roles and use them with different parties in the contract.

This topic:

  • Lists the predefined contact roles and explains how you can add your own.

  • Explains how you associate the contact roles with party roles and contact role sources.

Predefined Contact Roles

The application provides the following predefined contact roles in the extensible lookup type OKC_PARTY_CONTACT_ROLE:

Lookup Code





Contract administrator




Partner contact


Customer contact




Resource organization




Supplier contact

You can add additional contact roles by selecting the Manage Contract Contact Roles task in the Setup and Maintenance work area as part of the Enterprise Contracts offering in the Enterprise Contracts Base functional area.

Making Contact Roles Available for Use in Contracts

For a contact role to be available for use in contracts, you must navigate to the Manage Contract Role Sources page by selecting the Party Role and Contact Sources task in the Contracts work area. Make the following entries for each of the party roles where you want the contact role to be available:

  1. Select the party role.

  2. Add the contact role.

  3. Enter the sell-intent contact source or the buy-intent contact source, or both. The contact sources you can enter depends on the party source settings for the party role.

These contact sources are predefined in the application in the lookup type OKC_PARTY_CONTACT_SOURCE. You can't edit the contract role sources or add additional ones.

Lookup Code




Partner contact

Used exclusively for Oracle Fusion Partner Management contracts.


Customer contact

Contacts of parties in the Trading Community Architecture where the party usage is External Legal Entity.



The internal resource.


Resource organization

The internal resource organization.


Supplier contact

Contacts of parties in TCA where the party usage is Supplier.

The figure here, illustrates the setup required to make a contact role available in both customer and supplier contracts:The party role Customer is associated with both a sell intent and buy intent source. In a sales contract, a Customer party is a TCA party (party source Customer). In a buy-intent contract, the Customer is an internal business unit.You make the contact role available in both customer and supplier contracts by specifying the Sell Intent Source as Customer contact and the Buy Intent Source as Resource or Resource organization.In sales contracts, customer contacts are now TCA party contacts. In procurement contracts, customer contacts are resources.
This figure shows how you can make a contact role available in buy-intent and sell-intent contracts.