Use State Model APIs to send Renewal Notifications

Use these APIs to send customer and internal notifications from the state model:



sendEmail (Long contractId, String toAddress, String ccAddress, String bccAddress,String language, String subject, String messageTemplate, String messageBody, String contractLayoutTemplate,String termsLayoutTemplate, String attachmentName, String logInteraction)

  • contractId: Id that represents the contract.

  • toAddress: it represents the email address to send notification.

  • ccAddress: it represents the email address to send notification as Cc.

  • bccAddress: it represents the email address to send notification as Bcc.

  • language: it represents message language in template sets rules.

  • subject: it represents email subject

  • messageTemplate: it represents message template name defined in notification rules.

  • messageBody: it represents email body.

  • contractLayoutTemplate: it represents contract layout template name defined in notification rules.

  • termsLayoutTemplate: it represents terms layout template name defined in notification rules.

  • attachmentName: it represents attachment name defined in notification rules.

  • logInteraction: To capture logs 'Y' (enable capturing) or 'N' (disable capturing).

Return Values:

Boolean - true if successfully email API is triggered or it returns false.


This API is used to get the templates from Event Notification Rules.


getTemplate(Long contractId, String language, String event).


  • contractId: Id that represents the contract.

  • language: Represents the message language in template sets rules.

  • event: Represents event condition code.

Return Values:

  • String Array []:

    • 0- ContractLayoutTemplate

    • 1- TermsLayoutTemplate

    • 2- MessageTemplate

    • 3- AttachmentName

Example Code for SendEmail and GetTemplate:

Groovy Script:

String[] attTemplates = new String[4];
String toAddress="";
String ccAddress="";
String bccAddress="";
String language="US";        
String subject="Test";
String messageTemplate=attTemplates[2];
String messageBody="MessageBody";
String contractLayoutTemplate=attTemplates[0];
String termsLayoutTemplate=attTemplates[1];
String attachmentName=attTemplates[3];
String logInteraction="Y";
boolean sri=eventModel.applicationModule.sendEmail(contractId, toAddress, ccAddress, bccAddress, language, subject, messageTemplate, messageBody, contract



notifyRep(String messageSubject, String messageText, List<String> toSet, String senderEmail).


  • messageSubject: Represents Email Subject.

  • messageText: Represents Email Body.

  • toSet: Represents set of email lists to send notification.

  • senderEmail: Represents the Sender Email.

Return Values:

Boolean - true if successfully email API is triggered or it returns false.

Example Code for Notifyrep:

List<String> s= new ArrayList<String>();
boolean sri=
eventModel.applicationModule.notifyRep('Test','from message body',s,'')