Business Object Transaction Data

The business transactions object holds information about various transactions in the system such as transaction type, the source of the transaction, and signal generated for the transaction.

Data Store Key : CrmAnalyticsAM.CrmExtractAM.ZcaBiccExtractAM.BusinessObjectTxnDataExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ZcaObjHierarchyId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ActionCode The record action code associated with the transaction.
BatchId The unique identifier of a file import batch.
CreatedBy The user who created the object metadata row.
CreationDate The date and time when the object metadata row was created.
LastUpdateDate The date and time when the object metadata row was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the object metadata row.
LastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the object metadata row.
ObjectCode The object code of the particular record.
ObjectPk1 The primary key 1 for the given import object record.
ObjectPk2 The primary key 2 for the given import object record.
ObjectPk3 The primary key 3 for the given import object record.
ObjectPk4 The primary key 4 for the given import object record.
ObjectPk5 The primary key 5 for the given import object record.
ObjectPuid The public unique identifier of the current record.
ParentObjectCode The parent object code of the particular record.
ParentObjectFk1 The foreign key 1 for the given import object row.
ParentObjectFk2 The foreign key 2 for the given import object row.
ParentObjectFk3 The foreign key 3 for the given import object row.
ParentObjectFk4 The foreign key 4 for the given import object row.
ParentObjectFk5 The foreign key 5 for the given import object row.
ParentObjectPuid The parent PUID of the given import object row.
SourceOperation This column holds the value of the source of the transaction operation. For example: Signals.
ZcaObjHierarchyId The primary key of ZCA_IMPORT_OBJECT_DATA table.