Object Metadata

The object metadata view object stores information such as object type, object identifier or PUID, child objects, and attributes of object records such as Opportunities that are deleted.

Data Store Key : CrmAnalyticsAM.CrmExtractAM.ZcaBiccExtractAM.ObjectMetadataExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ObjectId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
CreatedBy The user who created the object metadata row.
CreationDate The date and time when the object metadata row was created.
CustomFlag Indicates if the object in this row is a custom object.
ExtensibleViewDefinition Indicates if the VO for the object in this row is extensible. If VO isn't extensible, it stores null.
LabelResid It specifies the label ResId for the object. It will be used to determine the display name for the object.
LangIndependentCode It specifies the language independent Code of the corresponding object in bulk import, if it exists.
LastUpdateDate The date and time when the object metadata row was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who last updated the object metadata row.
LastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the object metadata row.
MdsLastUpdateTime A timestamp to denote the time when MDS definition was read for this object to update its metadata in this table
ObjectDescription The description for the object.
ObjectId The primary key of the ZCA_OBJECTS table.
ObjectParentFkAttr1 Attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VO foreign key Attribute 1.
ObjectParentFkAttr2 Attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VO foreign key Attribute 2.
ObjectParentFkAttr3 Attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VO foreign key Attribute 3.
ObjectParentFkAttr4 Attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VO foreign key Attribute 4.
ObjectParentFkAttr5 The attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VO foreign key Attribute 5.
ObjectParentFkColumn1 This corresponds to the attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VO foreign key Column 1.
ObjectParentFkColumn2 This corresponds to the attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VO foreign key Column 2.
ObjectParentFkColumn3 This corresponds to the attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VO foreign key Column 3.
ObjectParentFkColumn4 This corresponds to the attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VO foreign key Column 4.
ObjectParentFkColumn5 This corresponds to the attribute in the current object VO, which corresponds to the Parent VO foreign key Column 5.
ObjectParentFkTable The table which contains the parent VO foreign key.
ObjectParentLic A comma separated list of LANG_INDEPENDENT_CODE values which is used to identify potential parent object of the current object. It's used for hierarchical display purpose.
ObjectPkAttr1 Object primary key Attribute 1 name. Can be read using getKeyAttributeDefs API.
ObjectPkAttr2 Object primary key Attribute 2 name. Can be read using getKeyAttributeDefs API.
ObjectPkAttr3 Object primary key Attribute 3 name. Can be read using getKeyAttributeDefs API.
ObjectPkAttr4 Object primary key Attribute 4 name. Can be read using getKeyAttributeDefs API.
ObjectPkAttr5 Object primary key Attribute 5 name. Can be read using getKeyAttributeDefs API.
ObjectPkColumn1 Column name for Primary key attribute Column 1.
ObjectPkColumn2 Column name for Primary key attribute Column 2.
ObjectPkColumn3 Column name for Primary key attribute Column 3.
ObjectPkColumn4 Column name for Primary key attribute Column 4.
ObjectPkColumn5 Column name for Primary key attribute Column 5.
ObjectPuidAttr The public unique identifier attribute name. This can be read using the Get PUID field Extensibility Public API.
ObjectPuidColumn The column Name for PUID attribute of the object.
ObjectQuery The query that can be used to fetch the details related to object.
ObjectTable The table on which the current VO is based on.
ObjectType The object type which will be used for defining security predicates. The possible values are StandardObject, StandardChild, CustomChildOfStandard, CustomObject, CustomChildOfCustom, IntersectionObject.
ObjectVo The VO used which is used to define the base REST Object.
PluralLabelResourceId The plural label resource identifier of an object which is used to determine the plural display label of the object.
PrimaryEntityDefinition The primary Entity Object Definition for the corresponding VO.
PrimaryVo If OBJECT_VO refers to a Secondary VO, then this column would have the corresponding Primary VO name.
PrimaryVoCount An integer number that indicates the number of primary view objects that a secondary object is based on.
RestAttachmentResourceUrl The URL to the REST attachment resource associated with the object.
RestResourceCode The resource code of the REST attachment resource associated with the object.
RestResourceRowIdentifier The REST Resource RowIdentifier of the object.
SupportOptimizedImport Indicates if the object supports optimized import.
UcmAccountNumber The UCM folder where files are uploaded.